Learning how to cope with type 2 diabetes certainly takes time and patience. And when it comes to an eating plan, no doubt you have questions, and naturally you want these questions answered. One thing which is good for you to know is this: stop dieting... it doesn't work, it actually works against you.
When you diet you force yourself to stop listening to your "natural hunger" cues. And therefore you do not hear your "comfortable" cues neither. Often we react to feeling deprived by overeating so it makes sense to say you need to stop dieting and start listening to your body telling you when you are hungry. Now this can be a little tricky for people with type 2 diabetes as the condition itself alters how you would normally respond. Due to insulin resistance, the increased level of natural insulin floating around in your bloodstream tells you you are hungry, even shortly after eating a reasonable sized meal.
\"Hypoglycemia Diet\"
Looking at insulin: one of the factors important in weight loss is of course to watch the glycemic index of the carbohydrates you eat. Eating low-GI carbs ensures a low blood sugar response and a lower amount of insulin being required to help lower your blood sugar levels.
Looking at what you drink: Be careful of what you are drinking. As well as your body not being really satisfied by fluids, watch out for the calories/kilojoules content of that beverage. Many drinks, including fruit drinks, spike your blood sugar level and in turn that affects your natural insulin response as well.
There is a lot of "talk" on the internet about coffee being good for diabetics, so lets look at some facts about coffee and see what you think:
Coffee facts include:
- coffee is caffeinated... caffeine stimulates insulin production. With type 2 diabetes, your body is in a state of insulin resistance, where your cells don't respond to insulin. This results in your pancreas producing insulin at a much higher rate than normal. So do you need a caffeinated beverage? Probably not
- coffee is addictive. Ever try to kick the coffee habit? You're in store for a humongous headache if you stop it cold
- coffee will charge you up for the day. Coffee sends a message to your adrenal glands that there is a survival situation happening. This can then result in in your body being more acidic than alkaline... in an alkaline state your body heals
- drinking more than four cups of coffee a day can lead to brittle bones
- coffee stimulates your appetite... not what many type 2 diabetics need
Coffee may taste good, but many health practitioners report that coffee is a beverage you need to avoid as it does stimulate your appetite.
With type 2 diabetes, you want to know what is possible. And the answer is to use your eating plan, supplements and exercise patterns to reverse it. You can do it, just like thousands of others have.
What Will Coffee Do For Your Blood Sugar and Insulin Levels?
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To download your free copy of my E-Book, click here now: Answers to Your Questions... its based on questions many diabetics have asked me over recent months.
Beverleigh Piepers is a registered nurse who would like to help you understand how to live easily and happily with your type 2 diabetes.