Warning - Shaky Hands Before Eating is a Symptom of Diabetes and Low Blood Sugar

If you have shaky hands and feel not able to concentrate before lunch no matter if you had a snack after breakfast we can suspect you are suffering of reactive hypoglycemia you can just be in the initial phase, and this can just be an annoying crash but if not treated, this condition is just going to get worse. Here we are going to see how to stabilize your blood sugar levels to help you avoid those crashes.

Commonly hypoglycemia occurs due to adrenal fatigue, adrenal glands produce cortisol and with these not working properly we got lowered blood cortisol. The liver has to work harder to convert glycogen into blood sugar, during stress insulin levels are increased because the cells demand more energy, and without the right cortisol levels to elevate the blood sugar levels the increased demand is impossible to meet.

\"Hypoglycemia Diet\"

People suffering of adrenal fatigue when even under mild stress like an argument at work can not produce the increased demand for blood glucose as a result of the fatigued adrenals unable to cope with the cortisol needed , increasing the insulin at the same time that the demand of glucose is increasing, setting the stage for tragedy.

Warning - Shaky Hands Before Eating is a Symptom of Diabetes and Low Blood Sugar

You can not treat diabetes low blood sugar with coffee and sweet snacks, this only throws your body into a constant roller coaster ride trough the day, at the end you just going to fell exhausted without having done anything. Is like driving with the brakes and flooring the accelerator at the same time.

More than sixty percent of people with diabetes low blood sugar go on to become diabetics!

You can be in the other side of the fence with an hypoglycemia diet while treating your adrenal glands and in less than 3 months you can improve remarkably.

Warning - Shaky Hands Before Eating is a Symptom of Diabetes and Low Blood Sugar

It is very important to learn what to eat correctly to improve our low blood sugar condition. You can find here a proven diet for hypoglycemia [http://sugarsymptoms.com/diet-for-hypoglycemia/low-blood-sugar-diet] and learn more here about low blood sugar causes [http://sugarsymptoms.com/low-blood-sugar-symptoms/low-blood-sugar-symptoms-causes-and-solutions].

What Will Coffee Do For Your Blood Sugar and Insulin Levels?

Learning how to cope with type 2 diabetes certainly takes time and patience. And when it comes to an eating plan, no doubt you have questions, and naturally you want these questions answered. One thing which is good for you to know is this: stop dieting... it doesn't work, it actually works against you.

When you diet you force yourself to stop listening to your "natural hunger" cues. And therefore you do not hear your "comfortable" cues neither. Often we react to feeling deprived by overeating so it makes sense to say you need to stop dieting and start listening to your body telling you when you are hungry. Now this can be a little tricky for people with type 2 diabetes as the condition itself alters how you would normally respond. Due to insulin resistance, the increased level of natural insulin floating around in your bloodstream tells you you are hungry, even shortly after eating a reasonable sized meal.

\"Hypoglycemia Diet\"

Looking at insulin: one of the factors important in weight loss is of course to watch the glycemic index of the carbohydrates you eat. Eating low-GI carbs ensures a low blood sugar response and a lower amount of insulin being required to help lower your blood sugar levels.

What Will Coffee Do For Your Blood Sugar and Insulin Levels?

Looking at what you drink: Be careful of what you are drinking. As well as your body not being really satisfied by fluids, watch out for the calories/kilojoules content of that beverage. Many drinks, including fruit drinks, spike your blood sugar level and in turn that affects your natural insulin response as well.

There is a lot of "talk" on the internet about coffee being good for diabetics, so lets look at some facts about coffee and see what you think:

Coffee facts include:

  • coffee is caffeinated... caffeine stimulates insulin production. With type 2 diabetes, your body is in a state of insulin resistance, where your cells don't respond to insulin. This results in your pancreas producing insulin at a much higher rate than normal. So do you need a caffeinated beverage? Probably not
  • coffee is addictive. Ever try to kick the coffee habit? You're in store for a humongous headache if you stop it cold
  • coffee will charge you up for the day. Coffee sends a message to your adrenal glands that there is a survival situation happening. This can then result in in your body being more acidic than alkaline... in an alkaline state your body heals
  • drinking more than four cups of coffee a day can lead to brittle bones
  • coffee stimulates your appetite... not what many type 2 diabetics need

Coffee may taste good, but many health practitioners report that coffee is a beverage you need to avoid as it does stimulate your appetite.

With type 2 diabetes, you want to know what is possible. And the answer is to use your eating plan, supplements and exercise patterns to reverse it. You can do it, just like thousands of others have.

What Will Coffee Do For Your Blood Sugar and Insulin Levels?

Are you looking for effective ways to manage your type 2 diabetes?

To download your free copy of my E-Book, click here now: Answers to Your Questions... its based on questions many diabetics have asked me over recent months.

Beverleigh Piepers is a registered nurse who would like to help you understand how to live easily and happily with your type 2 diabetes.

Am I Hypoglycemic?

Dear reader,

Thank you for taking the time out to read this article from the Overcoming Hypoglycemia Ezine. OK so lets get started!

\"Hypoglycemia Diet\"

Are you actually Hypoglycemic?

Am I Hypoglycemic?

The first thing you probably need to know is if you are actually hypoglycemic and how it is possible to find out for sure.
There are 3 main ways people normally find out if they are hypoglycemic these are:

1)A Glucose Tolerance Test.

2)Diagnosis from a doctor/nutritionist

3)Self diagnosis based on questionnaire and observation of symptoms

Now each of these methods have their advantages and disadvantages but due to the fact that less and less qualified doctors seem to be recognising Hypoglycemia as a legitimate condition more and more people are forced to rely on self diagnosis.

In this Ezine edition I want to focus on method three: self diagnosis.

Self Diagnosis

Self Diagnosis means just that, making an informed decision yourself as to whether or not you actually have hypoglycemia.

The main way of doing this is based on your symptoms. The easiest way to begin to self diagnose is make a list of the symptoms you get which you feel are related to your diet. These symptoms could be many but list them all down. Probable symptoms include headaches tiredness and cravings for sweet foods.

When you have listed these symptoms compare them to the ones found at:

http://www.hypoglycemia-diet-plan.com and


If you have at least three of these symptoms then Hypoglycemia seems probable.
It is of course not possible to diagnose solely on a few symptoms, for a more detailed and accurate way of determining whether or not you have Hypoglycemia.

So Until next time ...

Am I Hypoglycemic?

Damian Muirhead


Stop Ignoring Shaky Hands and Check For Diabetes and Low Blood Sugar

If you are feeling dizzy, with difficulties to concentrate and have shaky hands, you better pay attention on what your body is telling you. It can be the initial phase of hypoglycemia and ignoring those episodes is not going to make them go away the problem is that the blood sugar in your body is not stable and if not treated it can turn into a severe case, it is very important to stabilize the blood sugar and I am going to tell you how to do it.

Due to a combination of high insulin and low cortisol levels during any kind of stress diabetes low sugar is a consequence of adrenal fatigue so that their cortisol output is diminished resulting in hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).

\"Hypoglycemia Diet\"

In a high stress situation this low blood sugar condition can lead to death because the response really slows down, our strength is weakened we become confused and dizzy leaving us in a helpless situation were we can not defend our selves

Stop Ignoring Shaky Hands and Check For Diabetes and Low Blood Sugar

Many people treat the hypoglycemia with coke or coffee and sweets and this is only a short term emergency remedy with an eminent almost immediate impact. It can take an evening or even days to recover of this roller coaster ride.

Hypoglycemia is the price we pay for our way of living and if it is not changed in 5 to 10 years we will become diabetic , it is very important at this stage to adopt an hypoglycemia diet and treat our adrenal glands it is possible to see results and to remarkably improve in 3 months if we take the action now to improve our health.

In many cases hypoglycemia disappears when adrenals are corrected.

Stop Ignoring Shaky Hands and Check For Diabetes and Low Blood Sugar

It is very important to learn what to eat correctly to improve our low blood sugar condition. You can find here a proven diet for hypoglycemia [http://sugarsymptoms.com/diet-for-hypoglycemia/low-blood-sugar-diet] and learn more here about low blood sugar causes [http://sugarsymptoms.com/low-blood-sugar-symptoms/low-blood-sugar-symptoms-causes-and-solutions].

How to Recognize the Low Blood Sugar Symptoms - Stress Anxiety Or Hypoglycemia

If you feel insanely dizzy as if you were going to pass out and feel your heart beating out of your chest and feel faint, yes, it can be to much stress or anxiety, but if you have energy swings it is most likely to be a low blood sugar symptom. It is very important to acknowledge what is going through your body in order to control those episodes and avoid being tomorrow a diabetic.We are going to point out the main symptoms and its probable causes.

The brain's main energy source is glucose or simply called blood sugar if it does not receive the proper amounts to function correctly the symptoms of hypoglycemia are presented:

\"Hypoglycemia Diet\"

Improper judgments
Mood swings

How to Recognize the Low Blood Sugar Symptoms - Stress Anxiety Or Hypoglycemia

In a way is like being under the influence of alcohol. Our body reacts by secreting large amounts of adrenaline to protect us and that is the reason we have our heart beating faster and we experience shaky hands and blurred vision.

Diabetics become hypoglycemics when they take high doses of insulin in relation to their blood sugar but for a non diabetic if our pancreas produces high levels of insulin we became hypoglycemics.

This can be a medical condition caused by a tumor or another illness but in the majority of the cases the cause is due to our daily diet and it can be reversible if we act promptly and start a good low blood sugar diet before we get into a severe condition that can be deadly.

How to Recognize the Low Blood Sugar Symptoms - Stress Anxiety Or Hypoglycemia

It is very important to learn what to eat correctly to improve our low blood sugar condition. You can find here a proven diet for hypoglycemia [http://sugarsymptoms.com/diet-for-hypoglycemia/low-blood-sugar-diet] and learn more here about low blood sugar causes [http://sugarsymptoms.com/low-blood-sugar-symptoms/low-blood-sugar-symptoms-causes-and-solutions]